The world is blessed with herbs and why not use them in all treatment especially in colon cleansing. Fortunately, Herbal colon cleanser is the mostly used treatment in the cleansing of the colon. The herbs have the capacity to remove the poisonous substance from the body and do not allow them to be spread to other body organs.
Be updated with the problems that are solved by the use of colon cleansing with the help of herbs.
- Solves heart ailments
- Kidney failure
- Improper Liver functioning
Heart problems are solved by herbs like ginger root, and other root substances. The cause of the problem is due to the impurities in the blood and too much of fat in the body that will block the blood valves in the heart. These are constantly removed by the herbal treatment. Some of the most common colon cleansing herbs are:
i. Flax seed
ii. Fennel seed
iii. Apple Pectin
iv. Fibers in food
v. Husk and seed of Psyllium
They are most commonly used colon cleansers. The flax seed acts as a laxative which flushes the waste in the colon. They help in loosening the hardened faucal matter in the colon region and when plenty of water is taken then it will be flushed out. Thus the colon sewage system is cleaned with the help of herbs.
There are different combination of herbal colon cleanser that is used for different cause of ailment. Lets us discuss about the following herbal colon cleanser.
- Herbs used cleaning the colon in case of food poisoning
- Herbs used for children in colon cleansing
- Super colon cleanse
Bentonite clay, apple pectin and willow charcoal are the best herbs for food poisoning. Before using these herbs one should make them selves to vomit the content that they ate. Then using these herbs will absorb the waste matter and directly pushes them out through the rectum in the anal region. Goji juice is used for children in order to prevent them from constipation.
In super colon cleanse the patient are provided with a herbal capsule called iFlora. It is a herbal blend of the flax seed, fennel seed, apple pectin, and other tree barks. While taking these medicines one should avoid consuming plain milk, pork, heavy diet and other milk products that will cause heavy indigestion in the body. These can be taken along with the food or as a supplement as in the case of the capsules like the iFlora.
Let us have a look at the other herbal colon cleanser and their uses in the process.
- Flax seed -> Laxative
- Pectin of Apple -> removes heavy metal like lead and mercury
- Marsh shallow root -> reduces inflammation in the colon
- Fennel seed -> helps in proper digestion and releases the gas
- Willow charcoal -> eradicates the un wanted chemicals
- Husk of Psyllium -> helps in maintaining the body condition by providing the needed fiber to the body.
It can be really confusing if you are debating a change in your health care needs and want to select or change to alternative medicine. How would you know which category of alternative medicine would be most beneficial and suit your requirements? You would need to be careful and understand just what your medical needs are, and then, you would in addition, need a working knowledge of the category and the kind of alternative medicine that would be most effective for your problem.
You will find there are quite a large range of categories of alternative medicine. Many of these different categories were formulated due to the fact that there is no conventional, or allopathic medicine (Western medicine is by and large an allopathic system) cure or treatment for lots of medical anomalies, or anything unusual. therefore many people are looking for something that will help them, maybe not cure them or at least not a complete cure, but a little bit of hope for their health problem. Even for diseases where a cure is sometimes attainable, alternative medicine is occasionally the more dependable option.
With a cancer patient, for instance, there are genuine studies in the research books where many cancer patients who have been through chemotherapy and radiation, and the caring oncologist has told their patient to go home and get all their affairs in order, because there was nothing more that could be done for them. Their are many patients, who have refused to just give up hope, and have turned to alternative medicine that included herbs and/or natural plant substances such as seeds, and in a short period of time, tests disclosed that the cancer was either hugely decreased in size, or had even in some cases completely disappeared. After hearing of testimonials like this, anyone would be silly not to want to attempt using any category of alternative medicine.
In addition, there are some people who would mistrust conventional medicine after an experience like this, and pass their opinions on to other people. Alternative medicine's popularity is growing by leaps and bounds, possibly due in part to bad experiences with allopathic doctors and their role as healers in our society.
Obviously, it is not possible to know how many of the successes with alternative medicine were due not only to the fact that so many categories of alternative medicine are accessible for any illness or disease conceivable, but also as medical doctors and doctors of alternative medicines have actually seen many times, the power of the mind can achieve great healing. While alternative medicine has both the range and the ability to be able to heal, how much of its success is ascribable to the fact that its fans believed they would be made well so powerfully that a virtual miasma of hope came forth from their soul to join with the branches of alternative medicine and induced a healing?
We may never know how much power our minds have when it comes to alternative medicine, however, that alternate medicine does indeed work, and it has for numerous numbers of patients, that in itself is quite sufficient.
Acne can be treated in several ways including the use of acne products like cream, lotion, cleanser or by having recourse to natural acne skin care treatment methods which have proven to work effectively. These methods are safe and reliable. Sometimes what might not be safe in some acne products is the use of chemical components which can have side effects on your skin like allergies, reddish and itchy skin. These can just worsen your acne.
Nature in itself is healing and can purify our body and this is why natural acne skin care therapies are highly recommended. Among them, you have green tea, aloe vera, basil, turmeric which are acne healers. Also available are products which contain natural ingredients to cure acne.
Aloe vera for instance are sold as creams and are very refreshing for the skin and will lessen the acne inflammation. You also have green tea acne cream which is an ideal candidate for getting rid of acne because the green tea extract has amazing healing benefits. It can also refine the pores. By using natural acne products, you will nourish your skin and make it less proned for acne. Also, drinking green tea regularly has the potential to flush toxins from your body and reduce your acne as well.
One other alternative in using green tea is to boil green tea dried leaves which are usually of a brownish-black color. Then let the tea warm up a bit and take the tea to apply on your skin with a towel. Just tap on the affected areas for about 15 minutes everyday for at least 2 weeks. The longer the better. The temperature of the tea should preferably be between warm and hot.
So why not give natural acne skin care treatment a try? You have nothing to lose other than eliminating your acne. It's recommended that you consult a dermatologist first and seek his or her advice before following an acne skin care therapy.